
Play up and fire away!

The Foliomagazine of the "Neue Zuerchner Zeitung "asked several well-known authors to comment on their teams' chances of success in the FIFA world championship. You can read them in Sign and Sight. For Germany they asked the famous writer Robert Gernhardt.
He wrote an acrostic:

Germany will win, there's no denying -
Everyone agrees, or else they're lying!
Right it is, that the world's fixed its eyes on
Multitalent on the Deutsche horizon.

Allow me the luxury of generalizing,
No need for me here to be proselytizing.
Yes, each of our boys is his weight in gold;
With skills like theirs' a poet's made bold.

In citing the one or the other credential,
Lose sight I would of all the potential
Lying in wait in that mystical being

Which goes by the name of the German team.
Its victorious wings will carry it up;
Not a thing can prevent it from taking that cup!

Well, then get started, boys, will ya?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I never saw an English poem by my favourite author ... and I never saw him writing about football, either.

But I still prefer Henscheidts "Hymne an Bum-Kun Cha". We will see him in the next days, I'm sure about that !

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