
Scots of Note - Tilda Swinton

Originally uploaded by VEGAFI
When I started this little sequence of posts on Scots of note, I already knew: Tilda Swinton is a must!

I was prepared to do the Swinton post today. And guess what I came across in my favourite German newspaper, the Sueddeutsche Zeitung, this morning? A feature on Tilda Swinton on occasion of her nomination as President of the International Jury at the Berlinale 2009.

Tilda Swinton was born in Durnfermline in Scotland. She has taken part in more than 40 films, and acted in a wide range of roles, female as well as male, in arthouse productions as well as blockbusters.

She has received numerous awards for her work, including an Oscar for Best Supporting Acress in „Michael Clayton“. Swinton started out in 1986 in Derek Jarman’s „Caravaggio“. The real breakthrough came with „Orlando“, where she played an Elizabethan courtier who lives for 400 years while changing sex from man to woman.

I’m fascinated by her versatileness, her radical and quick change of expression and looks, her androgyny and her overall intensity.

I've only seen Orlando, The Chronicles of Narnia, and Broken Flowers. Her latest appearance is in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button which I hope to see this week.

There’s an Interview with Tilda Swinton where she talks about her films and about her unusual private relationships.

Here’s a star interview on Youtube with Swinton.

Excerpt from Orlando

Trailer of Michael Clayton


Lydia said...

Wow, that was a long article...but so interesting! I sure didn't know much about her. The only movie I've seen her in was "Narnia," and I disliked that movie but she fascinated me.

I'm really curious about her movie "Julia." The article said it was to be released in December, and I believe that was 2008 and not upcoming. Haven't heard a thing about the film but it sounds powerful.

Anyone who loves the smell of her pet is OK by me. I love little Willow's smell: spicy! :)

francessa said...

Lydia, I agree with you on Narnia. I watched it in school with my students and didn't like it at all! I liked Orlando very much, but it left me a little confused.

Julia is already available at Amazon Germany.

I'll write about Benjamin Button soon!

A spicy cat? Sounds lovely!

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