
David Foster Wallace

Sad news: David Foster Wallace , American novelist, essayist, short story writer, and professor in Claremont, died on September 12, 2008.

I struggled through his mega-book Infinite Jest (in English) - which is funny, entertaining, encyclopedic, insightful and much much more - but not an easy read for someone with another mother tongue. It was worth the effort!

There's an Appreciation: Idealistic Skeptic in the Los Angeles Times by David L. Ulin.

Below, there's a reading of DFW on the occasion of the 150th Anniversary celebration of Harper's Magazine, presented by the New School Writing Program in 2000.

Some links that might be of interest:

Consider the Lobster by David Foster Wallace: The famous article about lobsters in Maine.

New York Times

DFW info, news, links
DFW inofficial page

Two quotes by DFW:

I had a teacher I liked who used to say good fiction's job was to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.

I just think that fiction that isn't exploring what it means to be human today isn't art.


Lydia said...

You've just introduced me to an American writer, Francessa. I enjoyed the video (he looks so young to now have passed). Thanks for the wonderful tribute to an obviously great writer. That book really sounds like something!

francessa said...

Great to be of service, Lydia! :-)

I just found an Infinite Jest glossary. Amazing ..

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